title | = | {Dwie stacje GNSS w Polskiej Stacji Polarnej w Hornsundzie w serwisie EPN}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Węzka, Kinga and Próchniewicz, Dominik}, |
venue | = | {Ośrodek Szkoleniowo-Wypoczynkowy PW}, |
eventdate | = | {2022-06-08/2022-06-10}, |
date | = | {2022-06-10T09:55:00/2022-06-10T10:00:00}, |
year | = | {2022}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
address | = | {Grybów, Poland}, |
title | = | {Wykorzystanie wieloźródłowych danych do badania zmian geometrii wybranych lodowców na Wyspie Króla Jerzego}, |
eventtitle | = | {Dzień Teledetekcji 2021}, |
venue | = | {MS Teams}, |
date | = | {2021-12-21}, |
year | = | {2021}, |
author | = | {Bakuła, Krzysztof and Fijałkowska, Anna and Kejna, Marek and Kowalska, Maria and Łapiński, Sławomir and Osińska-Skotak, Katarzyna and Ostrowski, Wojciech and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin and Różycki, Sebastian and Sobota, Ireneusz}, |
presenter | = | {Mariusz Pasik}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2020}, |
title | = | {Dynamika lodowców na Svalbardzie badana z pomocą obserwacji GNSS}, |
eventtitle | = | {Seminarium Zakładu Geodezji Planetarnej cbk i Katedry Geodezji i Astronomii Geodezyjnej pw}, |
venue | = | {webex}, |
address | = | {remote seminar}, |
date | = | {2020-10-23}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Olszak, Tomasz and Rajner, Marcin and Szabó, Viktor}, |
title | = | {Activities of gravimetric laboratory of Warsaw University of Technology at Józefosław, Poland (Poland)}, |
year | = | {2019}, |
month | = | {jul}, |
date | = | {2019-07-13}, |
eventdate | = | {2019-07-08/2019-07-18}, |
eventtitle | = | {27th iugg General Assembly}, |
presenter | = | {Viktor Szabó}, |
title | = | {Superconducting and Absolute Gravimetry: Reprocessing of the multi-campaign adjustment 2009-2017 — and obstacles for adding 2018}, |
author | = | {Scherneck, Hans-Georg and Rajner, Marcin and Mouyen, Maxime}, |
eventtitle | = | {nkg wggeo and wgfhsg meeting}, |
eventdate | = | {2019-03-11/2019-03-13}, |
presenter | = | {Hans-Georg Scherneck}, |
year | = | {2019}, |
month | = | {mar}, |
title | = | {Investigation of hydrological effects at the superconducting gravimetry site of Onsala}, |
author | = | {Mouyen, Maxime and Scherneck, Hans-Georg and Rajner, Marcin}, |
presenter | = | {Maxime Mouyen}, |
eventtitle | = | {nkg wggeo and wgfhsg meeting}, |
eventdate | = | {2019-03-11/2019-03-13}, |
year | = | {2019}, |
month | = | {mar}, |
title | = | {Status of the Onsala twin telescopes}, |
author | = | {Haas, Rüdiger and Casey, Simon and Elgered, Gunnar and Hammargren, Roger and Helldner, Leif and Johansson, Karl-Åke and Kylenfall, Ulf and Lerner, Mikael and Pettersson, Lars and Pantaleev, Miroslav and Wennerbäck, Lars and Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {nkg 2018}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Geodesy in a Dynamic World — Celebrating 100 year anniversary of fgi}, |
venue | = | {Pasilan virastokeskus}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
eventdate | = | {2018-09-03/2018-09-06}, |
date | = | {2018-09-06}, |
year | = | {2018}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
title | = | {Contributions to the Analysis of Absolute Gravity Campaigns at Onsala 2009-2017}, |
author | = | {Scherneck, Hans-Georg and Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {nkg 2018}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Geodesy in a Dynamic World — Celebrating 100 year anniversary of fgi}, |
venue | = | {Pasilan virastokeskus}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
eventdate | = | {2018-09-03/2018-09-06}, |
date | = | {2018-09-05}, |
year | = | {2018}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
title | = | {Station report OS (Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden)}, |
author | = | {Scherneck, Hans-Georg and Rajner, Marcin}, |
presenter | = | {Hans-Georg Scherneck}, |
eventtitle | = | {1st Workshop on the International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service (igets)}, |
eventdate | = | {2018-06-18/2018-06-20}, |
date | = | {2018-06-18}, |
year | = | {2018}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
address | = | {Potsdam, Germany}, |
author | = | {Tercjak, Monika and Gebauer, André and Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander and Schreiber, Karl Ulrich}, |
title | = | {On the phenomena disturbing the terrestrial orientation of the Wettzell g-Ring gyroscope}, |
year | = | {2018}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
venue | = | {Austria Center Vienna, Hall X3}, |
date | = | {2018-04-10}, |
booktitle | = | {Geophysical Research Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {20}, |
pages | = | {EGU2018-15069-1}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly 2018}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
presenter | = | {Monika Tercjak}, |
author | = | {Dykowski, Przemysław and Grad, Marek and Krankowski, Andrzej and Kryński, Jan and Olszak, Tomasz and Polkowski, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Sękowski, Marcin and Wilde-Piórko, Monika}, |
title | = | {Rejestracje długookresowych powierzchniowych fal sejsmicznych za pomocą grawimetrów pływowych}, |
venue | = | {gmach fizyki, uw}, |
eventtitle | = | {Seminarium zfl Instytutu Geofizyki uw}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
year | = | {2017}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
date | = | {2017-10-13T09:30:00}, |
presenter | = | {Przemysław Dykowski}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
date | = | {2017-10-13}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
year | = | {2017}, |
title | = | {Badanie zjawiska wypiętrzania polodowcowego i obecnego bilansu masy lodowców na Svalbardzie na podstawie obserwowanych zmian wysokości stacji gnss w Hornsundzie (Svalbard)}, |
note | = | {Sprawozdanie z grantu dla młodych 2016}, |
presenter | = | {Monika Tercjak}, |
year | = | {2017}, |
title | = | {Rejestracje długookresowych powierzchniowych fal sejsmicznych za pomocą grawimetrów pływowych}, |
author | = | {Wilde-Piórko, Monika and Dykowski, Przemysław and Grad, Marek and Krankowski, Andrzej and Kryński, Jan and Olszak, Tomasz and Polkowski, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Sękowski, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {Monitorowanie dynamiki Ziemi w ramach systemu ggos}, |
eventdate | = | {2017-09-27/2017-09-29}, |
presenter | = | {Monika Wilde-Piórko}, |
date | = | {2017-09-28T09:00:00}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
title | = | {Detection of regional ice mass variation using gnss measurements at Svalbard}, |
year | = | {2017}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Pętlicki, Michał}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
eventdate | = | {2017-09-05/2017-09-07}, |
date | = | {2017-09-05T11:20:00}, |
eventtitle | = | {Workshop on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Elastic Deformation}, |
venue | = | {Grand Hotel}, |
address | = | {Reykjavik, Iceland}, |
eventtitle | = | {Joint Symposium / J09. Geodesy and seismology general contributions}, |
year | = | {2017}, |
title | = | {Expanding seismic surface waves measurements towards low periods with gravity measurements}, |
author | = | {Dykowski, Przemysław and Grad, Marek and Krankowski, Andrzej and Kryński, Jan and Olszak, Tomasz and Polkowski, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Sękowski, Marcin and Wilde-Piórko, Monika}, |
date | = | {2017-08-04}, |
month | = | {aug}, |
address | = | {Kobe, Japan}, |
presenter | = | {Przemysław Dykowski}, |
title | = | {Zastosowanie pływowych pomiarów grawimetrycznych w badaniach geodezyjnych, geofizycznych i geodynamicznych}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
date | = | {2016-10-28T09:30:00}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
venue | = | {gmach fizyki, uw}, |
eventtitle | = | {Seminarium zfl Instytutu Geofizyki uw}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Tercjak, Monika and Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-09-14/2016-09-16}, |
date | = | {2016-09-16}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
title | = | {Investigation of phenomena influencing orientation of large ring laser gyroscope}, |
eventtitle | = | {Współczesne problemy podstawowych osnów geodezyjnych w Polsce}, |
address | = | {Grybów, Poland}, |
presenter | = | {Monika Tercjak}, |
eventtitle | = | {scar 2016 Open Science Conference}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-08-20/2016-08-30}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
address | = | {Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia}, |
author | = | {Chwedorzewska, Katarzyna J. and Galera, Halina and Łapiński, Sławomir and Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin and Czyż, Ewa and Bylina, Paweł and Znój, Anna and Wódkiewicz, Maciej}, |
title | = | {First step to eradication of Poa annua L. from Arctowski Oasis (King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica)}, |
isbn | = | {978-0-948277-32-0}, |
month | = | {aug}, |
presenter | = | {Katarzyna Chwedorzewska}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
title | = | {Analysis of seasonal position variation for selected gnss sites in Poland — Validation of results using loading modelling and grace data}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz}, |
address | = | {Tianjin, China}, |
eventtitle | = | {International Symposium on Geodesy and Geodynamics}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Recent observations result and geophysical understanding}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-07-22/2016-07-25}, |
date | = | {2016-07-23}, |
month | = | {jul}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
date | = | {2016-06-10}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
title | = | {Analiza recesji lodowców na obszarze aspa No. 128 (zachodnie wybrzeże Zatoki Admiralicji) na Wyspie Króla Jerzego na podstawie wieloźródłowych danych geodezyjnych}, |
author | = | {Bakuła, Krzysztof and Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Łapiński, Sławomir and Osińska–Skotak, Katarzyna and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin and Różycki, Sebastian}, |
presenter | = | {Mariusz Pasik}, |
eventtitle | = | {xxxvi Sympozjum Polarne}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-06-08/2016-06-11}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Progress in polar research — new experiences and challenges}, |
address | = | {Lublin, Poland}, |
venue | = | {Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej umcs}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
date | = | {2016-06-09}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
title | = | {Geodezyjne prace pomiarowo-badawcze w okolicy Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. Henryka Arctowskiego podczas xxxix Polskiej Wyprawy Antarktycznej}, |
author | = | {Bakuła, Krzysztof and Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Łapiński, Sławomir and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {xxxvi Sympozjum Polarne}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-06-08/2016-06-11}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Progress in polar research — new experiences and challenges}, |
venue | = | {Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej umcs}, |
address | = | {Lublin, Poland}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
date | = | {2016-06-09}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
title | = | {Mapa zasadnicza Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. Henryka Arctowskiego (Wyspa Króla Jerzego, Szetlandy Południowe)}, |
author | = | {Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Łapiński, Sławomir and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {xxxvi Sympozjum Polarne}, |
venue | = | {Wydział Nauk o Ziemi i Gospodarki Przestrzennej umcs}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-06-08/2016-06-11}, |
address | = | {Lublin, Poland}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Progress in polar research — new experiences and challenges}, |
title | = | {Monitoring high frequency Earth rotation by ring laser: on modeling the local tilts}, |
author | = | {Tercjak, Monika and Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
eventtitle | = | {18th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Intelligent Earth system sensing, scientific enquiry and discovery}, |
address | = | {Triest, Italy}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
date | = | {2016-06-08}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-06-05/2016-06-09}, |
presenter | = | {Monika Tercjak}, |
author | = | {Bakuła, Krzysztof and Łapiński, Sławomir and Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Geodezyjne prace pomiarowo-badawcze w okolicy Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. Henryka Arctowskiego i koncepcja badań na Wyspie Króla Jerzego}, |
date | = | {2016-04-07T14:10:00}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
eventdate | = | {2016-04-07T14:00:00/2016-04-07T16:00:00}, |
eventtitle | = | {Seminarium polarne na Wydziale Geodezji i Kartografii}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Co geodeta i kartograf może robić w obszarach polarnych?}, |
presenter | = | {Mariusz Pasik}, |
venue | = | {Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
author | = | {Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Łapiński, Sławomir and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
date | = | {2016-03-10}, |
month | = | {mar}, |
year | = | {2016}, |
title | = | {Wykonanie pomiarów geodezyjnych w rejonie Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. Henryka Arctowskiego i przygotowanie koncepcji badań na Wyspie Króla Jerzego}, |
note | = | {Sprawozdanie z grantu/statutu 2015}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
date | = | {2015-10-22}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
year | = | {2015}, |
author | = | {Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta and Łapiński, Sławomir and Pasik, Mariusz and Rajner, Marcin and Bylina, Paweł}, |
title | = | {Geodezyjne prace pomiarowo-badawcze w okolicy Polskiej Stacji Antarktycznej im. Henryka Arctowskiego w ramach xxxix Polskiej Wyprawy Antarktycznej}, |
eventtitle | = | {xii Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Aktualne Problemy w Geodezji Inżynieryjnej}, |
eventdate | = | {2015-10-22/2015-10-23}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland/Serock}, |
presenter | = | {Mariusz Pasik}, |
title | = | {Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School — krótkie sprawozdanie}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {Badania geodynamiczne z wykorzystaniem współczesnych osiągnięć geodezji}, |
venue | = | {Obserwatorium Astro-Geodezyjne pw}, |
address | = | {Józefosław, Poland}, |
year | = | {2015}, |
eventdate | = | {2015-10-19/2015-10-20}, |
date | = | {2015-10-19}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Use of numerical weather models for atmospheric gravity corrections in terrestrial gravity measurements}, |
eventdate | = | {2015-06-22/2015-07-02}, |
date | = | {2015-06-30}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
year | = | {2015}, |
venue | = | {Praskie Centrum Konferencyjne, 5. kvetna 65 140 00 Praga 4}, |
address | = | {Prague, Czech Republic}, |
eventtitle | = | {26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations}, |
author | = | {Adamek, Artur and Rajner, Marcin and Adamek, Anna and Kowalska, Maria Elżbieta}, |
year | = | {2015}, |
title | = | {Opracowanie metodyki inwentaryzacji przestrzennej systemów drenażowych lodowców z wykorzystaniem technologii skanowania laserowego}, |
subtitle | = | {Sprawozdanie z grantu dziekańskiego 2014}, |
date | = | {2015-03-05}, |
month | = | {mar}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Wyznaczanie atmosferycznych poprawek grawimetrycznych na podstawie numerycznych modeli pogody}, |
booktitle | = | {Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej}, |
year | = | {2014}, |
school | = | {Warsaw University of Technology, Wydział Geodezji i Kartografii}, |
eventdate | = | {2014-11-07}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
month | = | {nov}, |
date | = | {2014-09-26}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
year | = | {2014}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Wpływ stosowania klasycznych redukcji atmosferycznych na stabilność precyzyjnych osnów grawimetrycznych}, |
eventtitle | = | {Realizacja Osnów Geodezyjnych a Problemy Geodynamiki}, |
eventdate | = | {2014-09-25/2014-09-27}, |
address | = | {Grybów, Poland}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
date | = | {2013-09-17}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
author | = | {Brzeziński, Aleksander and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Estimation of the Chandler wobble parameters by the use of the Kalman deconvolution filter}, |
eventtitle | = | {Journées 2013 Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels}, |
eventdate | = | {2013-09-16/2013-09-18}, |
address | = | {Paris, France}, |
presenter | = | {Aleksander Brzeziński}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Scientific developments from highly accurate space-time reference systems}, |
date | = | {2013-09-03}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
author | = | {Brzeziński, Aleksander and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Estimation of the Chandler wobble parameters based on the stochastic modeling of the observed free polar motion and its excitation}, |
eventtitle | = | {iag Scientific Assembly}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {iag 150 years}, |
eventdate | = | {2013-09-01/2013-09-06}, |
venue | = | {Dorint Hotel}, |
address | = | {Potsdam, Germany}, |
presenter | = | {Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
date | = | {2013-09-01}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {grat — open source software for computing atmospheric gravity correction using numerical weather models}, |
eventtitle | = | {iag Scientific Assembly}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {iag 150 years}, |
eventdate | = | {2013-09-01/2013-09-06}, |
venue | = | {Dorint Hotel}, |
address | = | {Potsdam, Germany}, |
note | = | {poster wyróżniony}, |
date | = | {2013-06-18}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Wyznaczanie atmosferycznych poprawek grawimetrycznych z uwzględnieniem fizycznego charakteru zjawiska wpływu atmosfery na pomiary siły ciężkości}, |
eventtitle | = | {Badania geodynamiczne z wykorzystaniem współczesnych osiągnięć geodezji}, |
eventdate | = | {2013-06-17/2013-06-18}, |
address | = | {Józefosław, Poland}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
title | = | {Still valuable measurements taken with spring gravimeter — results from Józefosław, Poland observatory}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
eventtitle | = | {17th International Symposium on Earth Tides}, |
eventtitleaddon | = | {Understand the Earth}, |
eventdate | = | {2013-04-15/2013-04-19}, |
date | = | {2013-04-15}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
venue | = | {cgs wat}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2013}, |
title | = | {Wyznaczanie atmosferycznych poprawek grawimetrycznych na podstawie numerycznych modeli pogody}, |
subtitle | = | {Sprawozdanie z grantu dziekańskiego 2012}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Brzeziński, Aleksander and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Stochastic modeling of the Chandler wobble and its excitation}, |
eventtitle | = | {agu Fall Meeting}, |
address | = | {San Francisco, ca, usa}, |
date | = | {2012-12-05}, |
month | = | {dec}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-12-05/2012-12-09}, |
presenter | = | {Aleksander Brzeziński}, |
language | = | {english}, |
booktitle | = | {agu Fall Meeting Abstracts}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
title | = | {Evaluation of significance of the different atmospheric correction approach in Polish national gravity network}, |
eventtitle | = | {International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-10-09/2012-10-12}, |
date | = | {2012-10-09}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
venue | = | {San Servolo}, |
address | = | {Venice, Italy}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
title | = | {Zmiany wysokości powodowane przez obciążenia atmosferyczne w regionalnej sieci stacji gnss}, |
eventtitle | = | {Satelitarne metody wyznaczania pozycji we współczesnej geodezji i nawigacji}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-09-13/2012-09-15}, |
date | = | {2012-09-14}, |
month | = | {sep}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
venue | = | {Space Research Centre}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
title | = | {The geophysical and geodynamic effects in tidal gravity measurements taken with spring gravimeter at Józefosław, Poland, Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {aogs–agu (wpgm) Joint Assembly}, |
address | = | {Singapore}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-08-13/2012-08-17}, |
date | = | {2012-08-15}, |
month | = | {aug}, |
venue | = | {World Resort Sentosa}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
title | = | {Atmospheric loading detection using regional gnss network: case study of Polish gbas system}, |
eventtitle | = | {igs Workshop}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-07-23/2012-07-27}, |
month | = | {jul}, |
address | = | {Olsztyn, Poland}, |
venue | = | {uwm}, |
author | = | {Kruczyk, Michał and Liwosz, Tomasz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
title | = | {Wybrane metody wykorzystania gps w badaniach polarnych}, |
eventtitle | = | {xxxiv Sympozjum Polarne}, |
address | = | {Sosnowiec, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-06-14/2012-06-16}, |
date | = | {2012-06-16}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
presenter | = | {Michał Kruczyk}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
title | = | {The estimation of Free Core Nutation period and quality factor from tidal gravity measurements at Józefosław, Poland, Poland}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-04-22/2012-04-27}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
booktitle | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
series | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {14}, |
editor | = | {Abbasi, A. and Giesen, N.}, |
pages | = | {14253}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz}, |
title | = | {The atmospheric corrections for absolute and relative gravity measurements in Józefosław, Poland, Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2012-04-22/2012-04-27}, |
booktitle | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
year | = | {2012}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
volume | = | {14}, |
editor | = | {Abbasi, A. and Giesen, N.}, |
pages | = | {11651}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {Free Core Nutation period inferred from tidal gravity measurements at Józefosław, Poland, Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {agu Fall Meeting}, |
venue | = | {Moscon Centre}, |
address | = | {San Francisco, ca, usa}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-12-05/2011-12-09}, |
month | = | {dec}, |
booktitle | = | {agu Fall Meeting Abstracts}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {Deformacje skorupy ziemskiej i ich wpływ na pozycjonowanie przy użyciu kosmicznych technik geodezyjnych}, |
eventtitle | = | {Seminarium Zakładu Geodezji Planetarnej cbk}, |
venue | = | {cbk pan}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
date | = | {2011-11-18}, |
month | = | {nov}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B. and Walo, Janusz}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {The influence of continental water storage on gravity rates estimates: case study using absolute gravity measurements from Lower Silesia area}, |
eventtitle | = | {On recent geodynamics of the Sudeten and adjacent areas}, |
address | = | {Jugowice, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-10-20/2011-10-22}, |
date | = | {2011-10-21}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {Deformacje Ziemi}, |
eventtitle | = | {Czy współczesna geodezja może istnieć bez geodynamiki?}, |
address | = | {Józefosław, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-10-17/2011-10-18}, |
date | = | {2011-10-18}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Brzeziński, Aleksander}, |
title | = | {Wyznaczenie okresu swobodnej nutacji jądra na podstawie pomiarów grawimetrycznych w Józefosławiu}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
eventtitle | = | {Czy współczesna geodezja może istnieć bez geodynamiki?}, |
address | = | {Józefosław, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-10-17/2011-10-18}, |
date | = | {2011-10-18}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Barlik, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz and Olszak, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {On consistence of seasonal crustal deformation derived from grace data and hydrology models and measured by gps and absolute gravimeter at the Józefosław, Poland observatory in Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {iugg}, |
address | = | {Melbourne, Australia}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-06-28/2011-07-07}, |
month | = | {jul}, |
presenter | = | {Tomasz Liwosz}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
title | = | {Analiza sezonowych zmian pozycji wybranych stacji gnss. Weryfikacja wyników na podstawie danych misji satelitarnej grace}, |
eventtitle | = | {Satelitarne metody wyznaczania pozycji we współczesnej geodezji i nawigacji}, |
address | = | {Wrocław, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-06-02/2011-06-04}, |
date | = | {2011-06-03}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
title | = | {Jakie informacje zawierają ciągłe pomiary grawimetryczne?}, |
eventtitle | = | {90-lecie Wydziału gik}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-05-27}, |
date | = | {2011-05-27}, |
month | = | {may}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
eventtitle | = | {euref Symposium}, |
address | = | {Chisinau, Moldova}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-05-25/2011-05-28}, |
date | = | {2011-05-26}, |
month | = | {may}, |
venue | = | {Codru Hotel}, |
title | = | {Comparison of grace derived seasonal deformation with hydrology model and gnss measurements in Poland}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
title | = | {Earth free oscillation measurements with lcr-et26 spring gravimeter}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-04-03/2011-04-08}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
author | = | {Liwosz, Tomasz and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Detection of site displacements caused by the 2010 flood in Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-04-03/2011-04-08}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Wyznaczanie atmosferycznych poprawek grawimetrycznych na podstawie numerycznych modeli pogody}, |
eventtitle | = | {Otwarcie przewodu doktorskiego, Seminarium GiK pw}, |
eventdate | = | {2011-03-16}, |
month | = | {mar}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
title | = | {An Evidence of Hydrological Signal in gps time series in Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {igcp 565 Workshop 3: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-10-11/2010-10-13}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
address | = | {Reno, nv, usa}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz and Rogowski, Jerzy B.}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
title | = | {An Evidence of Hydrological Signal in gps time series in Poland}, |
eventtitle | = | {igcp 565 Workshop 3: Separating Hydrological and Tectonic Signals in Geodetic Observations}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-10-11/2010-10-13}, |
address | = | {Reno, nv, usa}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
author | = | {Barlik, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz}, |
title | = | {Analysis of measurements collected in gravity laboratory in Józefosław, Poland Observatory during 2007-2010}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {International Association of Geodesy Symposium on Terrestial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (tg-smm2010)}, |
address | = | {Saint Petersburg, Russia}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-06-22/2010-06-25}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
author | = | {Barlik, Marcin and Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz}, |
title | = | {Analysis of measurements collected in gravity laboratory in Józefosław, Poland observatory during 2007-2010}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {International Association of Geodesy Symposium on Terrestial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements (tg-smm2010)}, |
address | = | {Saint Petersburg, Russia}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-06-22/2010-06-25}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
author | = | {Rogowski, Jerzy B. and Liwosz, Tomasz and Kruczyk, Michał and Kujawa, Lech and Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz and Kurka, Wiesław}, |
title | = | {Obserwatorium w Józefosławiu, stan aktualny i zamierzenia na przyszłość}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
presenter | = | {Jerzy B. Rogowski}, |
eventtitle | = | {Satelitarne metody wyznaczania pozycji we współczesnej geodezji i nawigacji}, |
address | = | {Olsztyn, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-05-20/2010-05-21}, |
month | = | {may}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Liwosz, Tomasz}, |
title | = | {Badanie wpływu zmian sezonowych stosunków wodnych na wyznaczenie pozycji z obserwacji gps}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {Satelitarne metody wyznaczania pozycji we współczesnej geodezji i nawigacji}, |
address | = | {Olsztyn, Poland}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-05-20/2010-05-21}, |
month | = | {may}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Barlik, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz and Pachuta, Andrzej and Próchniewicz, Dominik and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Activities of the gravimetric laboratory at Józefosław, Poland observatory}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-05-02/2010-05-07}, |
booktitle | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
series | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {12}, |
month | = | {may}, |
pages | = | {7138}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Investigation in Tidal Gravity Results in Józefosław, Poland observatory}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-05-02/2010-05-07}, |
booktitle | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
series | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {12}, |
month | = | {may}, |
pages | = | {5925}, |
author | = | {Rajner, Marcin and Olszak, Tomasz}, |
title | = | {Calibration of spring gravimeter using absolute gravity measurements. Results of parallel observations using lcr-et and fg5 gravimeters during 2007-2010 in Józefosław, Poland Observatory}, |
year | = | {2010}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
eventdate | = | {2010-05-02/2010-05-07}, |
booktitle | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
series | = | {egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {12}, |
month | = | {may}, |
pages | = | {5919}, |
author | = | {Pachuta, Andrzej and Walo, Janusz and Adamek, Artur and Rajner, Marcin and Woźniak, Marek and Węzka, Kinga}, |
title | = | {Prace geodezyjne podczas polarnych wypraw na Spitsbergen organizowanych przez Politechnikę Warszawską}, |
year | = | {2009}, |
address | = | {Lviv, Ukraine}, |
presenter | = | {Andrzej Pachuta}, |
author | = | {Pachuta, Andrzej and Walo, Janusz and Adamek, Artur and Woźniak, Marek and Rajner, Marcin and Węzka, Kinga and Próchniewicz, Dominik}, |
title | = | {Geodetic Measurements on Svalbard during Scientific Expeditions Organized by the Warsaw University of Technology (wut)}, |
eventtitle | = | {fig Working Week}, |
address | = | {Stockholm, Sweden}, |
eventdate | = | {2008-06-14/2008-06-19}, |
month | = | {jun}, |
year | = | {2008}, |
presenter | = | {Andrzej Pachuta}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Węzka, Kinga and Malinowski, Zbigniew and Rajner, Marcin and Adamek, Artur and Pachuta, Andrzej and Próchniewicz, Dominik}, |
title | = | {Monitoring of thickness and movements of the Hans glacier surface in a period of 2005-2006 by using gps-rtk technology}, |
eventtitle | = | {International Geodetic Student Meeting}, |
address | = | {Valencia, Spain}, |
month | = | {may}, |
year | = | {2008}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Adamek, Artur and Próchniewicz, Dominik and Rajner, Marcin and Węzka, Kinga and Malinowski, Zbigniew}, |
year | = | {2007}, |
title | = | {Analiza pomiarów sieci geodynamicznej w okolicach fiordu Hornsund na Spitsbergenie}, |
eventtitle | = | {Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kół Naukowych Studentów Geodezji}, |
eventdate | = | {2007-04-19/2007-04-21}, |
month | = | {apr}, |
address | = | {Kraków, Poland}, |
venue | = | {agh}, |
presenter | = | {Kinga Węzka}, |
note | = | {wyróżnienie w sesji referatowej}, |
author | = | {Węzka, Kinga and Pachuta, Andrzej and Rajner, Marcin and Próchniewicz, Dominik and Walo, Janusz and Adamek, Artur}, |
title | = | {Monitoring of thickness and movements of the Hans glacier surface in a period of 2005-2006 by using gps-rtk technology}, |
year | = | {2007}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
booktitle | = | {Geophysical Research Abstracts}, |
volume | = | {9}, |
pages | = | {11039}, |
author | = | {Pachuta, Andrzej and Walo, Janusz and Woźniak, Marek and Adamek, Artur and Węzka, Kinga and Próchniewicz, Dominik and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Prace geodezyjne realizowane podczas wypraw arktycznych pracowników i studentów Wydziału Geodezji i Kartografii Politechniki Warszawskiej}, |
eventtitle | = | {Problemy w Geodezji Inżynieryjno-Przemysłowej}, |
address | = | {Warsaw, Poland}, |
year | = | {2007}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Węzka, Kinga and Adamek, Artur and Rajner, Marcin and Malinowski, Zbigniew and Pachuta, Andrzej}, |
title | = | {Polish Geodetic Students Expeditions to the Horsund Fjord in Spitsbergen}, |
year | = | {2006}, |
eventtitle | = | {Shaping the Change, xxiii fig Congress}, |
address | = | {Munich, Germany}, |
eventdate | = | {2006-10-08/2006-10-13}, |
presenter | = | {Węzka, Kinga}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
author | = | {Węzka, Kinga and Malinowski, Zbigniew and Rajner, Marcin and Adamek, Artur}, |
title | = | {Badanie powierzchniowego ruchu lodowca Hansa na Spitsbergenie, Research of Hans Glacier Surface Speed, Spitsbergen}, |
eventtitle | = | {Juniorstav}, |
address | = | {Brno, Czech Republic}, |
eventdate | = | {2006-01-24/2006-01-26}, |
month | = | {jan}, |
year | = | {2006}, |
presenter | = | {Marcin Rajner}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Pachuta, Andrzej and Adamek, Artur and Węzka, Kinga and Rajner, Marcin and Malinowski, Zbigniew}, |
title | = | {Using gps reference station near Polish Polar Station in Spitsbergen for environment monitoring and geodynamic purposes}, |
year | = | {2006}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Puczko, Dariusz and Adamek, Artur and Węzka, Kinga and Rajner, Marcin and Malinowski, Zbigniew}, |
title | = | {Monitoring of Hans Glacier movement dynamics (Hornsund sw Spitsbergen, Svalbard)}, |
eventtitle | = | {egu General Assembly}, |
address | = | {Vienna, Austria}, |
year | = | {2006}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Węzka, Kinga and Malinowski, Zbigniew and Rajner, Marcin and Adamek, Artur}, |
title | = | {Pomiary geodezyjne na Spitsbergenie}, |
eventtitle | = | {Ogólnopolska Konferencja Kół Naukowych Studentów Geodezji}, |
year | = | {2006}, |
venue | = | {pw}, |
presenter | = | {Kinga Węzka}, |
author | = | {Walo, Janusz and Adamek, Artur and Pachuta, Andrzej and Węzka, Kinga and Malinowski, Zbigniew and Rajner, Marcin}, |
title | = | {Badania ruchu lodowca Hansa na Spitsbergenie}, |
eventtitle | = | {Geodetické siete a priestorové informácie}, |
eventdate | = | {2005-10-24/2005-10-26}, |
address | = | {Podbanské, Slovak Republic}, |
month | = | {oct}, |
year | = | {2005}, |