This is the
LaTeX class
for Reports on Geodesy and Geoinfomatics
scientific journal.
%% This file is LaTeX class for submission
%% to Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
%% this class follows author guidelines specified at
%% and mimic the official Word template
%% DO NOT edit this file directly
%% put all your additional settings
%% inside your .tex file(s) submitted to editors.
%% If you believe that there is a bug in this class
%% or you encountered any incompatibilities
%% or other technical issues
%% or you need any fancy setting which cannot be achieved
%% without touching this class file
%% please contact
%% or
%% up to date and development version of rgg.cls file
%% can be found on
%% Created: 2015-11-16 by Marcin Rajner
%% Version: v1.4-3-g61cbbb4
%% Date: 2018-03-08 07:47:54 +0100
%% use standard article rules by default
%% with 12 point font size
%% American language rules for whole document
%% For non ascii characters
%% non-english names etc.
%% process class options
%% use a4 paper size with all margins set to 2.5 cm
margin = 2.5cm,
% includehead,
%% font selection according to engine used in compilation
%% if you compile document using xelatex or lualatex you can
%% directly access system fonts
%% while Arial is not free font and could not be installed
%% on every machine you can use linux substitute named
%% Liberation Sans
%% if you have Arial installed you can uncomment
%% line \setmainfont{Arial}
\setmainfont{Liberation Sans}
% \setmainfont{Arial}
%% Unicode support for (pdf)latex
%% use sans-serif font for whole document
%% Crude method for uneven header separator
%% add logo to title page
\kern 2pt
\hbox to \textwidth{\headerfirstpage\hfill\doiheader}
\kern 2pt
\hrule height 0.4pt
\hbox to \textwidth{\phantom{\headerfirstpage\hfill\doiheader}}
\kern 2.4pt
%% arttype takes precedence over `type` option
%% and is obsolete method provided for
%% backward compatibility
Received: \rgg@received
Accepted: \rgg@accepted
%% maketitle command style
% \parbox{14cm}{%
%% title bold and centred and all in upper case
% }
%% no floats on title page
%% float environments
%% smaller font for tables
%% affiliation environment
%% author and short version of atuhor to running header
\renewcommand\author{\@ifnextchar [{\@authortwo}{\@authorone}}%}
%% same for title
\renewcommand\title{\@ifnextchar [{\@titletwo}{\@titleone}}%}
% redefinition of section and subsection environment
\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\csname the#1\endcsname.\quad}
\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
{-1em \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{0.5em \@plus.2ex}%
\renewcommand\subsection{\@startsection {subsection}{1}{\z@}%
{-0.6em \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{0.3em \@plus.2ex}%
%% apply ``better'' microtypography
%% enhance math mode
%% include graphics
%% abstract and keywords
\item\relax{\bfseries \abstractname}\newline
\newcommand{\rgg}{Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics}
vol.\,\rgg@volume/\rgg@year; %{
%%%%%%%%%% TODO: DISCUSS WITH EDITORS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \RequirePackage{changepage}
% \strictpagecheck
% \checkoddpage
% \ifoddpage
\textit{\def\emph{}\small\@shortauthor:\ \@shorttitle}
%% Bibliography clickable doi
%% acknowledgement
%% email
\leaders\vrule width 0.5\textwidth\vskip0.4pt
%% authornote
%% remove unnecessary space in lists
%% avoid unnecessary float pages
backend = biber,
style = apa,
uniquename = false,
uniquelist = minyear,
maxbibnames = 99,
labeldate = true,
apamaxprtauth = 99,
%% keep title captialics in bibliography as
%% they where given by authors
%% Use the APA format as a style of citation and reference list
%% (see Guidelines for APA Citation Style with examples)
%% force using apa style for bibliography
%% slightly modified APA style to meet `rgg` standards
%% i.e. give et al. if at least 3 authors
%% (originall APA truncate names after 5 authors)
%% use rgg appropriate bibitem spacing
% \setlength{\bibitemsep}{1\baselineskip}
repository if you want to see full history of rgg.cls
or get the archive versions