Earth_deformation.mfunction [ n, e, u ] = Earth_deformation( fi0, la0, green_fun, Hydrology_model )
% function Earth_deformation is used to calculate crustal deformations
% as a response to hydrosphere loading
% fi0, la0 latitude and longitude of calculated deformations,
% input as decimal degrees
% green_fun Green's function coefficients defining load response
% of Earth's crust.
% The data structure: 3 columns containing spherical distances
% to loading mass and Green's function coefficients describing
% deformations in radial and tangential direction.
% Values in 2nd and 3rd columns should contain normalized
% values (their de-normalization, depending on spherical
% earth's radius is done at runtime).
% Green's function coefficients for distances between the
% distances in the first column of the table are calculated
% with third degree spline
% Hydrology_model hydrological data with spatial resolution of
% 0.5 degree (one month includes 360 rows and 720 columns)
% that assign the amount of fresh water for each cell.
% Data should express height of water column for each cell
% in millimetres. Cells without determined water quantity
% should be marked as NaN (Not a Number)
%% additional variable
format long;
% load Green's function coefficients
grn = green_fun;
% load hydrology data to memory
Hydro_model = Hydrology_model;
% fresh water density
ro = 1000; % kg/m^3
% name of file to store calculation results
filename = 'Earth_def_fi_la_neu.txt';
%% parameters of reference surface
% GRS80/WGS84
% a = 6378137;
% e2 = 0.00669438002290;
% spherical Earth
a = 6371000;
e2 = 0.0;
%% Algorithm
% fresh water column height at the point of calculated deformations
H0 = hydro(Hydro_model, fi0, la0);
% function calculates deformations only for land area and is skipping
% any area that is missing WGHM data
if isnan(H0) == 1
fprintf('Offshore location or WGHM data missing.\n')
% if creating grid data for whole earth,
% commend "end" below and
% uncomment code between exclamation marks
n = 0; e = 0; u = 0;
fileID = fopen(filename, 'at');
fprintf(fileID, '%2.1f %3.1f %2.8f %2.8f %2.8f\n', fi0, la0, n, e, u);
dAz = 3; % degree(s) - width of spherical figures
ds = 500; % basic integration distance [metres]
R = a;
r = ((pi*R)); % maximum integration distance - antipode of fi0, la0
nds = floor(r/ds); % amount of integration steps
% coordinates of fi0, la0 antipode and fresh water column height a that location
[fi5, la5] = directVincenty(fi0, la0, 0, pi*R, a, e2);
H5 = hydro(Hydro_model, fi5, la5);
% creation of empty tables in memory to store calculation results - improves execution time
fig_area = zeros(nds+1,(360/dAz));
fig_hydro = zeros(nds+1,(360/dAz));
fig_mdistance = zeros(nds+1,(360/dAz));
fig_mazymut = zeros(nds+1, (360/dAz));
s = 1:nds;
for Az = 0:(360/dAz)-1;
Azymut = Az*dAz; %azimuth (bisector line) of spherical figure
Az1 = Azymut-(dAz/2);
Az2 = Azymut+(dAz/2);
fig_mazymut(:,Az+1) = Azymut;
% influence of one spherical triangle in neighbourhood of fi0, la0
s1 = s(1)*ds;
[Area, H_hydro, dist] = triangle( fi0, la0, Az1, Az2, s1, a, e2, Hydro_model);
fig_area(1,Az+1) = Area;
fig_hydro(1,Az+1) = H_hydro;
fig_mdistance(1,Az+1) = dist;
% influence of one spherical trapezoid in zone
s2 = (s(1,1:nds-1)*ds);
s3 = (s(1,2:nds)*ds);
[ Area, H_hydro, dist ] = trapezoid(fi0, la0, Az1, Az2, s2, s3, a, e2, Hydro_model);
fig_area(2:end-1,Az+1) = Area';
fig_hydro(2:end-1,Az+1) = H_hydro';
fig_mdistance(2:end-1,Az+1) = dist';
% influence of one spherical triangle in neighbourhood of fi0, la0 antipode
s4 = r - nds*ds;
[Area, H_hydro, dist] = triangle( fi5, la5, Az1, Az2, s4, a, e2, Hydro_model);
dist = pi*R - dist;
fig_area(end,:) = Area;
fig_hydro(end,:) = H_hydro;
fig_mdistance(end,:) = dist;
% loading calculation, depending on spherical distance
s = (grn(:,1));
L1_radial(:,1) = grn(:,2);
L2_tangent(:,1) = grn(:,3);
theta = deg2rad(s);
%de-normalization of loading
L1_radial = L1_radial ./ (a.*theta.*(10^12));
L2_tangent = L2_tangent ./ (a.*theta.*(10^12));
dist = fig_mdistance.*(180/(pi*a));
% interpolation of Green's function coefficients to match mean spherical distance
% of spherical segment - 3rd degree spline
G_radial = interp1(s,L1_radial,dist,'spline');
G_tangent = interp1(s,L2_tangent,dist,'spline');
% sum of individual segments on vertical deformations
D_radial = G_radial.*fig_hydro.*fig_area;
nany = isnan(D_radial);
D_radial(nany) = 0;
u = ro*sum(sum(D_radial));
% sum of individual segments on deformations
% in direction of meridian and first vertical
D_tangent = G_tangent.*fig_hydro.*fig_area;
nany = isnan(D_tangent);
D_tangent(nany) = 0;
N = D_tangent.*(-cos(deg2rad(fig_mazymut)));
E = D_tangent.*(-sin(deg2rad(fig_mazymut)));
n = ro*sum(sum(N));
e = ro*sum(sum(E));
% saving calculated deformations to file
fileID = fopen(filename, 'at');
fprintf(fileID, '%2.1f %3.1f %2.8f %2.8f %2.8f\n', fi0, la0, n, e, u);