EUREF Analysis Centres Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, October 16-17, 2019
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The EUREF Analysis Centres Workshop
October 16-17, 2019, Warsaw, Poland

The EUREF Analysis Centres Workshop is organized by EUREF every two years. The next workshop will be held October 16-17, 2019 in Warsaw, Poland. It will be hosted by the Warsaw University of Technology ([WUT]), Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography.

The workshop shall address relevant topics concerning the analysis of the EUREF Permanent Network ([EPN]) GNSS data for different applications. The topics to be covered include, e.g., discussions concerning EPN GNSS analysis standards, potential improvement of the EUREF products, analysis of GNSS data from national networks for EUREF densification purposes, real-time analysis.

The deadline for registration and abstract submission is September 23, 2019 September 30, 2019.

*INFO_TYPE__ INFO________________________________________ INFO EUREF Analysis Centres Workshop 2019 webpage ORGANIZER Warsaw University of Technology, Poland START DATE October 16, 2019 9:00 CEST END DATE October 17, 2019 TBD VENUE CZIiTT, WUT [www] [map] CONTACT
*DATE______________ EVENT________________________________ September 23, 2019 Abstract submission deadline September 30, 2019 Abstract submission deadline September 23, 2019 Registration deadline September 30, 2019 Registration deadline October 4, 2019 Workshop programme online October 11, 2019 Workshop programme online-DATES/IMPORTANT
 Session 1: Activities of the EUREF Governing Board Activities of the EUREF Governing Board with respect to the GNSS processing and analysis may be presented here, for example multi-year positions and velocities  Session 2: Improving the EPN products The ‘official’ EPN products are the daily/weekly EPN positions, the multi-year EPN station positions and velocities, and the tropospheric parameters of the EPN stations. They are based on the operational EPN data analysis as well as, presently, the products of EPN-repro2. This session welcomes presentations/posters covering — contributions to the above mentioned products (e.g. AC reports and coordinator reports) — multi-GNSS data processing and analysis — ground antenna calibration — validation of the products — proposals to improve or enhance the products, e.g. EPN processing on a global scale — data quality review — processing option updates — proposals for new ideas/products to enhance the multidisciplinary of EPN  Session 3: Towards EPN densification products The EPN Densification, presently organized by the Working Group on “EPN Densification”, and the dense velocity fields, presently organized by the Working Group on “European Dense Velocities”, are joint activities of agencies and institutions from European countries, which operate and/or analyze the data from national GNSS networks (in addition to their EPN stations) and submit the results of their data analysis routinely to EUREF. This session welcomes presentations/posters covering — contributions to the projects (in particular AC reports, coordinator/WG chair reports) — validation tests of the densification results — proposals to improve the results (e.g. steps necessary to make it ‘official’ EPN products)  Session 4: Open session This session is open to presentations/posters – or just position or discussion statements – that are of interest to the community analyzing the EPN data, e.g. — usage of EPN data and products — contributions to and problems with the EPN tracking network and the data centres — organization of future reprocessing — usage of EPN real-time data-WORKSHOP/SESSIONS
[programme pdf]
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Wednesday, October 16

Session 1

Reports from EPN Coordination Group Chair
Chair: Christof Voelksen
09:30-09:45Welcome by the Vice-Rector of WUT
Janusz Walo
Organizational issues
Tomasz Liwosz
Goals and issues of the workshop
Tomasz Liwosz
09:45-10:00GNSS-related activities of the EUREF Governing Board
Wolfgang Soehne
The EUREF Governing Board (EUREF GB) is responsible for the control of EUREF activities and policy, for coordination of actions for the realization of a European Height System and a European Reference Frame, to coordinate the EUREF Permanent Network, and other tasks. While undergoing some personal changes this year and in the next year, there is a need to continue and to innovate the EUREF activities. We will highlight some activities of the EUREF GB with regard to GNSS applications, in particular those, which are not explicitly covered during this workshop, e.g. real-time activities.
10:00-10:15Report of the Analysis Centres Coordinator
Tomasz Liwosz, Andrzej Araszkiewicz
The EPN Analysis Centres Coordinator (ACC) combines and analyses daily GNSS solutions provided by the EPN Analysis Centers (AC). The presentation covers the recent activities of the EPN ACC since the last workshop and the present status of the AC and combined products. Since GPS week 2044, after the test phase, 11 ACs started included Galileo observations in their operational solutions. The preliminary activities on the inclusion of global sites into EPN solutions will be also presented.
10:15-10:35Report of the Troposphere Coordinator
Rosa Pacione
In addition to the site coordinates, the EPN Analysis Centres submit operationally Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) and horizontal gradient estimates. The ZTDs and horizontal gradients are delivered with 1-hour sampling rate on a weekly basis but in daily files. These ZTDs are used to generate the combined EPN troposphere solution, which is available only for those stations processed by at least three ACs. This presentation will report on the status of the EPN Troposphere Product. Results from the combination, the switch to 3G (GPS+GLONASS+Galileo) solutions in the operational EPN products and the inter-technique comparison available at EPN Central Bureau will be discussed along with future developments.
10:35-10:50Reference Frame Coordination Status Report: EPN Multi-year Position/Velocity Product
Legrand Juliette, Bruyninx Carine
The primary purpose of the EPN (EUREF Permanent GNSS Network) multi-year coordinate & velocity solution is to provide access to the European Terrestrial Reference System 89 (ETRS89) which is the standard precise GNSS coordinate system throughout Europe. The presentation will present the latest updates of the solutions and will focus on the station classification.
10:50-11:20Coffee break

Session 2

Improving the EPN Products (Antennas, AC reports)
Chair: Carine Bruyninx
11:20-11:50Geo++ Absolute Multi-Frequency GNSS Antenna Calibration (invited presentation)
Gerhard Wübbena, Martin Schmitz, Andre Warneke
The transition to rigorous multi-GNSS positioning requires a consistent transition to multi-frequency PCV antenna corrections for ground and satellite GNSS antennas. Geo++ provides absolute GNSS antenna calibration services since 2000. The majority of the dual frequency GPS and GLONASS PCV corrections of the IGS model igs14.atx have been determined by the Geo++ robot-based antenna calibration method. Since the beginning of 2019 Geo++ provides robot-based antenna calibrations for all GNSS frequencies and signals. Over several years GNSS raw measurements were recorded during regular real-time GNSS antenna calibration procedures including e.g. the GPS/Galileo L5/E5 frequency. A post-processing of the collected GNSS data is currently in progress to provide multi-frequency PCV corrections for about 100 different GNSS antenna types. This post-processing work has been finished for most antenna types in use on IGS and EPN stations to be applied for the IGS REPRO-3 campaign. An overview of the absolute multi-frequency GNSS calibration and the PCV corrections determined in the Geo++ absolute multi-frequency antenna calibration post-processing is presented.
11:50-12:10GNSS Antenna Calibration in the Anechoic Chamber (invited presentation)
Florian Zimmermann, Heiner Kuhlmann, Christof Voelksen
The presentation focuses on the GNSS antenna calibration method as it is performed in an anechoic chamber at the University of Bonn (Germany). Phase Centre Corrections (PCC) from chamber calibrations are available for various signals. The signals are generated in the anechoic chamber and do not need to be tracked from satellites in space. The method will be briefly described and some results will be presented.
12:10-12:25Recent developments within the IGS and at the CODE analysis center (invited presentation)
Rolf Dach, Arturo Villiger, Lars Prange, Satellite geodesy research group at Astronomical Institute, University of Bern
During the last months the IGS (International GNSS Service) has prepared its third reprocessing campaign as the GNSS contribution to the ITRF2020. It shall consider also the European Galileo system. In this context, the findings and decisions made for receiver and satellite antenna calibrations are also relevant for the GNSS analysis of the EPN AC. Furthermore we want to inform about other developments at the CODE analysis center in the frame of the IGS processing that may be relevant for EPN AC activities.
12:25-12:35Workshop photo (in front of the WUT main building)
12:35-14:00Lunch break

Session 2

Improving the EPN Products (AC reports, Combination)
Chair: Rosa Pacione
14:00-14:30Multi-GNSS activities at swisstopo
Elmar Brockmann, Daniel Ineichen, Simon Lutz
The presentation gives a summary of MULTI-GNSS activities of swisstopo.
14:30-14:45MUT AC report
Andrzej Araszkiewicz
News from MUT analysis will be presented: changes in analysed network since last AC Workshop and the impact of including Galileo observation.
14:45-15:00Activities at the LAC and D-LAC UPAD
Alessandro Caporali, Joaquin Zurutuza, Mauro Bertocco
UPAD participates into the EUREF/EPN activities by providing a permanent site PADO with full multiGNSS capability, and weekly data analysis of a subnetork of the EPN and of a Densification network in the Italian area.Additionally, an RTK service is offered to ca. 300 registered professional users in the Veneto Region on behalf of the Regional Government. Partnership with CEGRN (Central European Geodynamic Research Network) is enforced by regular campaigns and data processing. Research includes multiGNSS Interoperability, seismic and subsidence monitoring,issued on coordinate frames and General Relativity
15:00-15:15GNSS Analyses at the National Geographic Institute of Spain. Scientific projects and impact of including Galileo observables in the processing
Esther Azcue, José Antonio Sánchez-Sobrino, Víctor Puente, Marcelino Valdés
National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGNE) is Analysis Center of EUREF since 2001, carrying out weekly and daily processes of a subnetwork of GNSS permanent stations covering mainly the Western Europe part (mainly Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Great Britain and Ireland). Since then, new GNSS data processing projects have emerged, not only those who require a punctual processing, but others requiring continuous solutions. In some of them a network of almost 400 stations is processed. The objectives of these projects are not only the obtaining of coordinates but also other objectives such as obtaining and analyzing geodynamic time series or calculating in near-real time the tropospheric delay signal for meteorological applications. The latest advances in GNSS, especially the addition of Galileo to the Global GNSS constellations and the upgrade of some receivers to multi-constellation devices, have made possible to include Galileo observations in the data processing. Some test processes, using Bernese 5.2 software, were carried out with the objective of evaluating the impact of including these observables in the solution. Comparison of results between both strategies (with and without GAL observables) has been made taking into account the same network configuration. A description of the different projects and the results obtained in the Galileo test campaign are presented.
15:15-15:30WUT analysis centre report
Tomasz Liwosz
The presentation will focus on activities of the WUT AC since the last EUREF analysis centres workshop. The activities mainly concentrated on the inclusion of Galileo observations in WUT solutions and the processing of our EPN subnetwork with global stations.
15:30-16:00Coffee break

Session 3

Towards EPN Densification Products
Chair: Wolfgang Soehne
16:00-16:25Towards D2050 and the routine combination in EPN Densification
Ambrus Kenyeres, Sándor Tóth, Bálint Magyar, Joaquín Zurutuza
Following the publication of the pilot D1933 solution the preparation for the next release - D2050 - had been started. D2050 should be prepared as an IGS14.atx compatible solution, therefore all daily/weekly SINEX before GPSweek 1934 had been converted to IGS14 using the conversion tool provided by IGS. The processing results delivered by the ACs had been checked, cleaned from outliers and metadata inconsistencies. A new check feature is the intercomparison of the equipment information between log files (if available), SINEX files and also stations in different AC solutions. This work is parallel performed by ARANZADI and SGO. D2050 is being developed in two directions: (1) we try to extend it to involve more solutions. Serbian solutions are now available, we are looking forward the promised availability of some German data, but the most important step forward is the option to include the Romanian ROMPOS network. SGO is volunteered to process the ROMPOS data and to support the colleagues to start their onw processing. (2) we should be prepared for a routine analysis and a more frequent combination because of the user needs (EU_GMS, EPOS). After D2050 we need to deliver updates 3 times per year, which require routine delivery of processing results in order to have time enough for the quality and metadata checks. Most of the ACs already now delivers routine analysis results and everyone is asked to follow the schedule. D2050 draft version will be announced at the AGU this year. New web page with extended graphical capabilites will be publised by this time.
16:25-16:40Status report EUREF WG on "European Dense Velocities"
Elmar Brockmann, Simon Lutz
The paper gives an overview about the status of the EUREF WG "European Dense Velocities"
16:40-16:55Different Approaches to Combine Normal Equations. EPN Densification Project as a case study
Joaquin Zurutuza
The EPN Densification Project consists of a very dense net of permanent GNSS stations that cover all Europe. The combined solution provides positions and velocities at a certain epoch and is computed regularly and it is based on the combination of the different weekly SINEX files that a number of European Institutions (Analysis Centers (AC), NMAs, Universities, Institutes,…) provide. The solution is aligned to the IGS by using EPN stations (class A) of a certain EPN release (C2055 in this case study). This week-wise approach poses a problem when new or reprocessed solutions need to be included: the full procedure must start from scratch. In this case study a different approach is considered along with this week-wise combination: the AC-wise combination. This different approach is based on the individual multiyear analysis of the files provided by each AC. In a last step, all these AC-wise multiyear solutions are combined to get a unique solution which is compared to the week-wise solution. The differences between the week-wise and the AC-wise solutions in the class A coordinates at epoch 2010.0 are below 1 mm for the Up component and below 0.2 mm for the North and East components. Respect the velocities, the differences in the North and East velocities are below 0.10 mm/yr and 0.30 mm/yr for the Up component in the class A sites. The asset of this AC-wise approach is that including new observations or existing multiyear solutions of trustworthy agencies is a very straightforward process. In addition, a rigorous metadata validation is carried out by comparing the information available on the EPN and EPN Densification ftp servers (IGS-style logsheets) with the information provided in the SINEX matadata blocks. Full reports of the inconsistencies found, if any, are provided in a dedicated websie.
16:55-17:10Activities of GKU EPN Operational Centre
Martin Ferianc
Since 2005 GKU is EPN Operational Centre and a responsible agency for GNSS data processing of the SKPOS reference stations in Slovakia. It contributes with weekly network coordinate solutions to the EPN Densification project. At the workshop will be presented actual GNSS processing campaigns using Bernese GNSS Software, GNSS data quality monitoring of the reference stations included in the SKPOS solutions by the SKPOS Quality Control web application and the news we plan to introduce in 2020.
17:10-17:25Contribution of GGI – EPN Densification Analysis Centre
Inese Varna, Katerina Morozova, Diana Haritonova, Janis Balodis, Izolde Jumare
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, University of Latvia (GGI) has started contribution to EUPOS Combination Centre in 2010 and currently is continuing this work as EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN) Densification analysis centre by regularly transferring weekly SINEX solutions to EPN. Observations of two permanent GNSS networks in Latvia are post-processed in GGI: LatPos (26 stations in 2019) and EUPOS®-Riga (5 stations). Bernese GNSS Software V5.2 is used in double-difference mode to obtain daily solutions and to generate weekly SINEX files. The final CODE precise orbits, Earth orientation and clock products, along with the CODE final ionosphere product, are used for GNSS data processing. The dry Global Mapping Function was used as the a priori troposphere model, while zenith path delay parameters are estimated using the wet Global Mapping Function; a cut-off elevation angle of 3° is selected. The positions of all stations are corrected for both solid Earth tide and ocean tide loading. 8-9 IGS/EPN reference stations are used. In order to control the obtained solutions that are transferred to EPN, the horizontal and vertical velocities of the daily solutions are computed for all LatPos and EUPOS®-Riga stations by applying Tsview software. Outlier detection, offset identification, trend, seasonal variation, and uncertainty estimation is performed using it. Currently along routine post-processing, reprocessing of the year 2014 has been started using both GPS and GLONASS observations to avoid offsets due to introduction of GLONASS. It is planned to continue the reprocessing of earlier years as well.
19:00-22:00Workshop dinner
Thursday, October 17

Session 4

Open Session
Chair: Rolf Dach
09:30-10:00Construction of the GNSS component of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) (invited presentation)
Carine Bruyninx
After a short update on the status of the European Plate Observing System, this presentation will focus on its GNSS component. We will show how it is organized, how one can join, what has been accomplished so far and what are the challenges ahead.
10:00-10:15Individual calibration antenna PCC models: differences and their impact on tropospheric estimates
Grzegorz Krzan, Katarzyna Stępniak
Water vapour is a key variable of the water cycle and plays a special role in many atmospheric processes controlling weather and the climate. Extreme weather events, such as storms, floods and landslides, heat waves and droughts, are one of the main concern of society. The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is one of the very few tools that can be used as atmospheric water vapour sensor and, simultaneously, provide continuous, unbiased, precise and robust atmosphere condition information. Significant influence on the determination of parameters in the post-processing of satellite observations has undoubtedly the model of phase centers of GNSS antennas. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of different GNSS antenna calibrations models on the quality of the tropospheric estimate series for climate applications.
10:15-10:30Galileo-only positioning performance for the present Galileo constellation (invited presentation)
Tomasz Hadaś, Kamil Kaźmierski, Krzysztof Sośnica
Last years bring a significant progress in Galileo constellation development. Today a European constellation consists of 26 satellites, including 2 spacecraft in elliptical orbits and 2 spacecraft unavailable. 22 healthy satellites transmit ephemeris but they are also supported by final products provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS) under the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX). Moreover, real-time corrections transmitted by the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES) are also available. That makes it possible to use Galileo observations in multi-GNSS combinations as well as to use these observations in Galileo-only absolute processing in both: postprocessing and real-time. This work shows global Galileo availability by means of the number of visible satellites and corresponding PDOP for a different elevation angles. Additionally, an extensive assessment of Galileo dual-frequency absolute positioning is presented which is compared to the GPS-only positioning. Static and kinematic positioning mode are tested for daily solutions with use of pseudoranges only (SPP) and with use of both pseudoranges and carrier phase observations (PPP). 3 different quality level products were used for the evaluation: final MGEX products, real-time CNES products and broadcast ephemeris. The results show that at least 5 Galileo satellites are visible above 10 degree elevation for more than 99.9% of the time. The positioning performance of Galileo PPP is not as good as the GPS PPP, which is connected with the lower accuracy of final and real-time orbit and clock products. On the other hand, Galileo-only positioning with broadcast ephemeris is outstanding. The RMSE of static Galileo SPP is 0.14 and 0.43 m for the horizontal and vertical components, respectively, which is almost 2 times better than of GPS. Additionally, daily Galileo PPP solution with broadcast ephemeris allows for obtaining sub-decimetre accuracy. In the case of kinematic mode, the performance of GPS- and Galileo-only is similar, and the only exception with more accurate result is the GPS real-time solution. We noticed also that SPP solution, both for GPS and Galileo, takes advantage from real-time products, resulting in higher accuracy by up to 59%.
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Workshop summary and recommendations
12:30End of the workshop
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The workshop registration fee is 100 EUR. It includes lunches, coffee breaks, the workshop dinner and conference materials. The workshop fee shall be paid by bank transfer using the information given below. *INFO_TYPE_________ INFO________________________________________________ REGISTRATION/FEE 100 EUR BANK ACCOUNT IBAN: PL20 1240 2092 9522 1060 0100 0000 SWIFT: PKOPPLPW Account holder: Politechnika Warszawska Title of payment: [Name of participant]
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Andrzej AraszkiewiczMilitary University of Technology, Poland
Esther AzcueNational Geographic Institute of Spain
Elmar BrockmannFederal Office of Topography swisstopo
Carine BruyninxRoyal Observatory of Belgium
Alessandro CaporaliUniversity of Padova Italy
Rolf DachAstronomical Institute, University of Bern
Simona Di TomasoASI/E-GEOS S.P.A.
Anne DuretIGN
Martin FeriancGeodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava
Peter FrankeFederal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Lotti JivallLantmäteriet, Sweden
Kamil KaźmierskiWrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
Tina KempeLantmäteriet, Sweden
Ambrus KenyeresSatellite Geodetic Observatory
Grzegorz KrzanUniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Juliette LegrandRoyal Observatory of Belgium
Martin LidbergLantmäteriet, Sweden
Tomasz LiwoszWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
David MayerBEV - federal office of metrology and surveying
Rosa Pacionee-GEOS/ASI-CGS
Markku PoutanenFinnish Geospatial Institute FGI
Marcin RajnerWarsaw University of Technology
Jerzy RogowskiGdynia Maritime University
Martin SchmitzGeo++ GmbH
Martin SehnalBEV - federal office of metrology and surveying
Wolfgang SoehneFederal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Jarosław SomlaHead Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland
Dominika StaniszewskaWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
Monika TercjakWarsaw University of Technology, Poland
Inese VarnaInstitute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, University of Latvia
Christof VoelksenBavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Szymon WajdaHead Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland
Joaquin ZurutuzaAranzadi Sciences Society

Below you may find information on the travel, accommodation, and workshop venue. The relevant objects mentioned on this page (airports, railway stations, hotels, the venue) are shown on the map [here].

Venue location

The Analysis Centres Workshop will be held at the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZIiTT, pol. Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii) of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Address:   ul. Rektorska 4 (4 Rektorska Street)
00-614 Warsaw
4th floor, room number 4.01.

Venue: [www] [map]


Two international airports are located in the Warsaw area.

The first one, [Warsaw Chopin Airport] (WAW), is located about 8 km from the city centre.

How to get to Warsaw from the Chopin Airport?

The airport is served by several public bus routes, Fast Urban Railway (SKM, pol. Szybka Kolej Miejska), and licensed taxi services.

By bus: Take bus 175 from the 'Lotnisko Chopina - Przyloty 02' stop and get off at the ‘Dworzec Centralny’ or ‘Centrum’ stop (it takes about 30 minutes). The bus is convenient to get to the hotels in the center of Warsaw (e.g., Metropol, Novotel, Hampton by Hilton). Click [here] for the timetables of bus 175.

Or take bus 188 from the 'Lotnisko Chopina - Przyloty 02' stop and get off at the ‘Metro Politechnika’ stop (it takes about 30 minutes). The bus is convenient to get to the workshop venue as well as to the hotels in the area (e.g., MDM City Centre, Reytan). Click [here] for the timetable of bus 188.

Tickets can be purchased in vending machines or kiosks in the airport building and vending machines at the bus stop or in the bus. We recommend a 75-minute ticket (price: 4.40 PLN, about 1 EUR), which entitles to an unlimited number of journeys for a period not exceeding 75 minutes from its validation. For other types of tickets (e.g. 24h, 72h) and fares please check this [webpage].

Please note that tickets purchased in a vending machine inside a bus are usually already validated and not every type of ticket may be available there. Also, vending machines inside buses usually accept credit/debit cards only.

By train: SKM (pol. Szybka Kolej Miejska) and KM (pol. Koleje Mazowieckie). Take S2 line to the ‘Warszawa Śródmieście’, or S3 or RL lines to the ‘Warszawa Centralna’ station. The journey takes about 35 minutes. These trains are convenient to get to hotels located in the center of Warsaw (e.g. Metropol, Novotel, Hampton by Hilton).

The ticket fare for S2 and S3 lines is the same as for the buses, but there is no possibility to buy a ticket inside a train. The ticket should be purchased in a vending machine in the airport or in the station building and validated in a train.

For RL line single fare tranfer tickets are not acceptable, only short term tickets (e.g. 24h, 72h) can be used. Please note, that there are no validators in the RL trains, so to validate the ticket you have to enter the train through the first door (from the front of the train) and report to the train manager in order to legalize or activate the ticket. More information about using trains you can find [here].

Click the following links to check timetable of [S2], [S3] and [RL] lines.

By taxi: We recommend three licensed taxi corporations available at the airport: ELE Taxi, iTaxi and MPT Taxi. The taxi fare from the airport to the city centre is approx. 40 PLN (~10 EUR).

The second international airport, [Warsaw Modlin Airport] (WMI), is located about 40 km from the city centre. The airport is used by low-cost airlines. The best way to get from the airport to Warsaw is to take a [train]. The journey from the ‘Modlin Lotnisko’ station to the ‘Warszawa Centralna’ station takes about 60 minutes (ticket price: ~20 PLN (~5 EUR)).


The Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is located in the center of Warsaw. Below we provide a list of several hotels in the area of WUT, together with the information on how to get to the Workshop venue. Timetables of public buses, trams and metro routes can be found [here]. A route planner can be found [here]. Please note that not every bus is equipped with a vending machine. Also, there are 20-minute tickets (price: 3.40 PLN, about 0.75 EUR) for all means of public transport (this ticket would be appropriate to get to the venue from the hotels listed below).

Hotel MDM City Centre ***
Address: pl. Konstytucji 1 (Konstytucji Square 1)
Telephone: +48 22 3391600
[www] [email] [map]

The hotel is at walking distance from the workshop venue (~9 minutes). You can also take any tram (10, 14, 15) from the [‘Metro Politechnika 04’] stop located at Nowowiejska street and get off at the ‘Plac Politechniki’ stop (one stop).

Hotel Metropol ***
ul. Marszałkowska 99a (99a Marszałkowska Street)
Telephone: +48 22 3253100
[www] [email] [map]

To get to the workshop venue from the Metropol hotel, you may take the metro going from the ‘Metro Centrum’ station (direction ‘Metro Kabaty’) and get off at the ‘Metro Politechnika’ station (one station). You can also take tram [15] at the ‘Centrum 07’ stop located at the Marszałkowska street (at the crossing with the Jerozolimskie avenue) and get off at the ‘Plac Politechniki’ stop (4 stops). Alternatively, you can take any bus (131, 501, 519, 520, 522, 525) from the [‘Centrum 01’] stop, located at the Marszałkowska street in front of the Metropol Hotel, to the ‘Metro Politechnika’ stop.

Hotel Novotel ****
Address: ul. Marszałkowska 94/98 (94/98 Marszałkowska Street)
Telephone: +48 22 5960000
[www] [email] [map]

To get to the workshop venue from the Novotel hotel, the same information can be used as in case of hotel Metropol.

Hotel Hampton by Hilton ***
ul. Wspólna 72 (72 Wspólna Street)
Telephone: +48 22 3172700
[www] [map]

To get to the workshop venue from this hotel, you can take tram [17], [33] or [41] at the ‘Koszykowa 03’ stop located at the Chałubińskiego street and get off at the ‘GUS’ stop (2 stops), or tram [10] and get off at the ‘Plac Politechniki’ stop (2 stops). You can also walk to the venue from the hotel, it takes about 12 minutes.

Hotel Reytan ***
ul. Tadeusza Rejtana 6 (6 Tadeusza Rejtana Street)
Telephone: +48 22 2016555
[www] [email] [map]

To get to the workshop venue, you can take a tram [10] or [14] from the ‘Rakowiecka 06’ stop located at the Puławska street, and get off at the ‘Plac Politechniki’ stop (4 stops). You can also take bus [138] from the ‘Rakowiecka 02’ stop and get off at the ‘DS Riviera’ stop (2 stops).

Other information

The currency in Poland is Polish złoty (PLN). 1 EUR is approximately 4.25 PLN. Credit cards are widely accepted.

In Poland the power plugs and sockets are of type E. The standard voltage is 230 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Warsaw Tourist Info: [www]

*Workshop scientific programme committee Tomasz Liwosz Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Wolfgang Söhne Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany *Local organizing committee Tomasz Liwosz Marcin Rajner (, webpage issues) Monika Tercjak Dominika Staniszewska-WORKSHOP/COMMITTEE